FEARLESSLY FORWARD: In Pursuit of Excellence and Impact for the Public Good Jennifer King Rice Senior Vice President & Provost Annual Progress Report April 4, 2023 Our Guiding Principles Excellence Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Impact Innovation Collaboration Service to Humanity FEARLESSLY FORWARD WE REIMAGINE LEARNING WE TAKE ON HUMANITY’S GRAND CHALLENGES WE INVEST IN PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES WE PARTNER TO ADVANCE THE PUBLIC GOOD Annual Progress Report Year 1: 2022-2023 Implementation committees Focus on signature initiatives Strategic plan website Tracking our progress Presentations to stakeholders Charging workgroups Implementation of Fearlessly Forward Annual Planning Assessment Community Engagement Priority Setting Developing and tracking metrics (e.g., global, commitment, initiative) Engaging stakeholders (e.g., involvement, idea generation, feedback) Launching initiatives (e.g., Grand Challenge Grants, Teaching and Learning Grants, Terrapin Commitment) Development of 10-year strategic plan Commitments Goals Objectives Initiatives Implementation of bold new initiatives Initiatives Measures Implementation Committees 2022-2023 We Reimagine Learning (19 members)Co-Chairs: William Cohen and Macio Oliveira VP Liaisons: Rice, Hollingsworth, Perillo We Take On Humanity’s Grand Challenges (16 members)Co-Chairs: Betsy Beise and Eric Chapman VP Liaisons: Ball, Rice We Invest in People and Communities (18 members)Chair: James McShay VP Liaisons: Perillo, Colella, Dodge We Partner to Advance the Public Good(20 members)Chair: KerryAnn O'Meara VP Liaisons: Colella, Ball, Hodge Strategic Commitments & Initiatives We Reimagine Learning We reimagine learning and teaching as inclusive, experiential, publicly engaged, creative, integrative, holistic, and empowering. Reimagine Learning Goals Lead in the development of innovative and inclusive approaches for teaching and learning Expand the use of high-impact experiential learningto ensure every student has the opportunity to learn through public service, civic engagement, internships, and project-based experiences Create opportunities for multidisciplinary collaboration that fosters creative expression, discovery, and critical thinking We Reimagine Learning: Our Progress Teaching and Learning Grants: Experiential Learning Learning Environment Modernization Program New Curricular Initiatives Arts for All Global and Federal Fellows New Honors College Programs Undergraduate Curricular Initiatives in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Teaching and Learning Innovation Grants $2.7M 97 Course-Level Grants Max $20,000 18 Program-Level Grants Max $70,000 + matching funds 19,171 Student-seats in grant-serving courses PROJECT COLLABORATORS 88 Tenured Faculty 26 Tenure-Track Faculty 234 PTK Faculty 34 Staff 75 Students T&L Grant Projects: Student Experience Our current data show an overwhelmingly positive response from our students (n=676) concerning their experience in these courses 83.75% report that their instructors incorporated activities they had never done before in a college course 81.97% reported that the course helped them to recognize how the University of Maryland can make the world a better place Learning Environment Modernization $2.8M invested in renovations and technology upgrades in 2022 3 new TERP classrooms 3 new student lounge/informal learning spaces 19 classrooms updated with technology and furnishings 29 classrooms updated with new technology A hybrid-flexible classroom New Curricular Initiatives General education diversity requirement Understanding Structures of Racism and Inequality Navigating Diverse Social Environments Arts for All launched 4 academic programs Arts leadership minor Immersive media design major Creative placemaking minor Arts management certificate Honors College programs Interdisciplinary Business Honors Honors Global Communities Global and Federal Fellows concentrations International intelligence and security Economic diplomacy We Take on Humanity’s Grand Challenges Our education, research, scholarship and creative activities, and service are designed to accelerate solutions to humanity’s grand challenges—within our communities and around the globe. Grand Challenges Goals Invest in faculty, student, staff, alum, and partner capacity to take on grand challenges through multidisciplinary and engaged research and curricular innovations Leverage our location near the state and nation’s capitals to advance and support evidence-based policy that addresses grand challenges at community, state, national, and global levels Amplify impactful research, scholarship, creative activities, teaching, and service work through communication, visibility, and translation We Take on Humanity’s Grand Challenges: Our Progress Grand Challenge Grants 120 Initiative on Gun Violence Prevention The 1856 Project The Capital of Quantum Research Media Training Program Grand Challenge Grants Awards Summary $30M GRAND CHALLENGE PROJECTS 50 Total Grants Awarded Across four categories 3 Institutional Grants Up to $1M/year for 3 years 6 Impact Awards Up to $250K/year for 2 years 16 Team Project Grants Up to $500K/year for 3 years 25 Single PI Project Grants Up to $50K/year for 3 years 185 UMD Faculty 12 All 12 Colleges Represented with at least 2 Projects Grand Challenge Grants Award Topics Climate Change Global Health Social Justice Threats to Democracy Pandemic Preparedness Access to Clean Water Education and Literacy Food Insecurity Sustainability Clean and Renewable Energy Misinformation Cities of the Future Ethical & Trustworthy Tech Wildfires More information at: https://research.umd.edu/gc Grand Challenge Institutional Grants Addressing Climate Change for a Sustainable Earth PI: E. Williams (CMNS) Collaborating Colleges: BSOS Maryland Initiative for Literacy and Equity PI: D. Bolger (EDUC) Collaborating Colleges: ARHU, BSOS, INFO, PLCY Global FEWture Alliance PI: A. Sapkota (SPHL) Collaborating Colleges: ARCH, AGNR, BSOS, CMNS, ENGR Grand Challenge Impact Awards Maryland Initiative for Digital Accessibility PI: J. Lazar (INFO), Collaborating Units: ARHU, BSOS, CMNS, DIT, EDUC, ENGR, LIBR, UCC, SPHL Urban Equity Collaborative PI: W. Lung-Amam (ARCH) Collaborating Colleges: ARHU, SPHL Democracy Research, Education and Civic Action PI: L. Scott (EDUC) Collaborating Colleges: BSOS, JOUR, PLCY Microbiome Sciences PI: M. Pop (CMNS) Collaborating Colleges: AGNR, ENGR Values-Centered Artificial Intelligence PI: H. Daume (CMNS), Collaborating Colleges: ARHU, BMGT, BSOS, EDUC, INFO Pandemic Preparedness Initiative PIs: C. Baur, B. Liu (SPHL/ARHU), Collaborating Colleges: BSOS, EDUC, INFO, JOUR 120 Initiative on Gun Violence Prevention Consortium of 15 universities and colleges in the Washington metropolitan area committed to the reduction of gun violence Convening on March 1, 2023 Priorities: Collaboration with the People of Promise Program (POP), a violence reduction program Black Male Initiatives programs (e.g. Nyumburu’s Black Male Initiative program) UMD Gun Violence Research Initiative (GVRI) The 1856 Project 2022 Inaugural Summer Research Institute The 1856 Project Course Launch Website Launch Program Administrative Specialist February, 2023 Inaugural Symposium Upcoming Apply for Mellon Grant with Community partners Develop Research Incubator and Internship Program 2nd Summer Research Institute We Invest in People and Communities We invest in people, their well-being and advancement, and the conditions that support their ability to fully participate and thrive in our community, state, and world. Invest in People and Communities Goals Lead the nation in living a commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion in all we do Become a connected, coordinated, and effective community of care that supports the success and wellbeing of students, faculty, and staff Align evaluations, rewards, and incentives with our goals and values Investing in People and Communities: Progress Faculty FAMILE Program Faculty Evaluations, Rewards, and Supports APT COVID Policies Staff Investing in Staff Family Care Benefits New HR Development and Engagement Position in DSA and ACAF Students Terrapin Commitment GA Minimum Stipends 5 New Cultural Centers Investment in Accessibility and Disability Services President’s Fellowship Student Crisis Fund All TerrapinSTRONG Salary and Wage increases Mental Health Task Force Elevate FAMILE Investment of $40 million over 10 years into 3 programs to increase faculty diversity in tenure track lines 23 faculty members (14 assistant professors and 9 tenured faculty)have been hired since March 2021 26 President’s Postdoc Fellows so far, 3 have converted to TTK and 4 have converted to PTK President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Assistant Professor Hire Program Senior Targeted Hire Program Faculty Evaluations, Rewards, and Supports Provost Dialogues (370 TTK/PTK participants) Quality and Impact Community Engagement Collaborative Work Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Teaching and Mentoring Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Activity, and Innovation Service PTK Working Group Promotion policies Titles and contracts Workload Provost Dialogues and PTK Working Group will inform faculty evaluation and workload policy revisions. Investing in Staff Based on the results of Summer, 2022 pulse survey, idea booths and campus conversations, VP Liasons are taking action: Staff Innovation Awards Career Pathways Work Group New and Expanded Supervisor Training VPs committed to continuing to make strides in the areas of work flexibility and competitive salaries and benefits Terrapin Commitment Ensure that a University of Maryland education is affordable to all residents of our state. Investment that will provide up to $20 million annually for need based financial aid for Maryland students. Largest single-year investment in need-based scholarships in our university's history. Officially launched in January 2023, the program is currently funding 3,200 students in the Spring 2023 semester. Mental Health Joint task force on mental health (21 members) Co-Chairs: Warren Kelley and Boris Lushniak Key updates include: Increased student access through remote therapy Hiring 10-person initial access team Implemented Counseling Center fee to support expanded services Hosted Mental Health Awareness Week with 1800 student participants Implemented T.E.R.P.S. Suicide Prevention Training TerrapinSTRONG Affirmative set of shared values, actions, identity, and agency that connects all UMD community members Includes four modules and an action plan New programs include the Gallery of Trailblazers library and Design for Belonging workshops 29,755 Total enrollment since 2020 Salaries and Student Stipends 13.5% Average salary increase for over 8,000 employees since January 1, 2022 58% Increase in minimum graduate student stipends over the last 5 years $15 Jump in pay for 3,700 hourly student employees effective January 1, 2023 We Partner to Advance the Public Good Our future is tied to and interconnected with our local, state, national, and international partners. We will create and sustain partnerships that allow our research to have impact locally and globally, our education to prepare students for civic engagement and impact, and our service to create solutions for a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient world. Partner for Good Goals Expand our impact through strategic research partnerships with local, state, national, and global stakeholders Catalyze innovation and entrepreneurship for inclusive economic development Enhance the economy, educational outcomes, social justice, quality of life, and civic engagement of our neighbors and neighborhoods through relationship building and ongoing commitment to partnerships We Partner to Advance the Public Good: Our Progress Discovery District MPowering Professorship Program Partnerships with Prince George’s and Baltimore County Discovery District 19 Startups Growth attributed to startup accelerators $1M in relocation incentives from Discovery Fund Headquarters MD Small Business Development Center Mid-Atlantic Veterans Business Outreach Center I-Corps Hub $15M NSF grant for UMD to lead 294 participants from 20 universities, including 4 HBCUs Aviation Landing 1.3M sq ft Mixed use: Housing, outdoor space, retail, and commercial research facilities MPower Professorship Program Collaborative named professorship that supports research on grand challenge issues that require collaboration across UMD and UMB. 14 professors, 7 at UMD and 7 at UMB UMD: John P. Fisher, Christopher M. Jewell, Cheryl L. Knott, Donald K. Milton, Philip S. Resnik, Joseph Richardson, Amy R. Sapkota Partnerships with Prince George’s and Baltimore Long-term, strategic partnership with PGCPS: President’s virtual high school course: Calculus in PGCPS - 103 students Learning Recovery Network - 15 schools, 100+ teachers and leaders EdD in School Leadership - Eighth cohort Enrollment Management: Continuing to expand staff Enhanced Maryland Ascent Program Increased interactions with prospective students Mission-critical and impactful work Introducing the University of Maryland Center for Community Engagement Important Steps Leading to this Charge July 2022 OPEN Proposal submitted by Campus Fabric & Experiential Learning Group recommending a new community engagement center in Academic Affairs December 2022 Partner for Good Subcommittee led by ACE Fellow Julie Coonrod & Partner for Good strategic plan committee analyze infrastructure, consider peers, interview stakeholders, submit reports Spring 2023 President & Provost affirm recommendations, will launch search for Associate Provost & work to establish new Center in Academic Affairs The Center will have Six Functions Articulate and Lead Strategic Vision for UMD Community Engagement Develop and Support Partnerships Implement Data Systems, Metrics, Tracking and Assessment Provide Training and Development for Students, Faculty & Staff Integrate Community Engagement into Reward and Recognition Systems Support Communications and Collaboration Measuring our Progress, Tracking our Impact Fearlessly Forward Metrics Global If the entire plan is working in concert, what might we see university-wide? Strategic commitment If we are making progress on our strategic commitments, what might we see? Initiative What are the outcomes for each specific initiative? Broad Engagement Across our Campus Community 100+ faculty, students and staff in SP implementation committees, workgroups 348 faculty, 34 staff, and 75 students involved in teaching and learning grants 50+ peer reviewers of grand challenge grants 2800+ staff providing feedback on creating stronger and better workplaces at UMD Campus Fabric, Experiential Working Group plan for Center for Community Engagement 21 students, faculty & staff in the Mental Health Taskforce Institutionalizing Fearlessly Forward Cabinet and Vice President Liaisons to each strategic plan committee Provost’s Senior Staff 14 deans and senior staff will meet this summer to discuss college plan alignment with Fearlessly Forward Investments in campus-wide offices and programs to support this work Fearlessly Forward